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Why Hairstyling?

Writer's picture: Jen the Unicorn StylistJen the Unicorn Stylist

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

Can I let you into my personal life a little bit today? I wanted to tell you about how I got into the hairstyling life in the first place and something that I realized just a few short weeks ago. Bear with me here, to be perfectly honest I'm not much of a writer but I'll do just about anything for you and I feel like you appreciate that.

I got my start in the cosmetology world in highschool. Yup. You read that right. Highschool. My Junior year, in fact.

My Highschool was Kinda Cool

My school decided to start this cool thing where they had trade classes that you could dip your toes into early on. That way you don't waste a bunch of money on college just to find out that you want to do a trade instead. So with the opening of a new highschool building they started offering classes like Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Developement, Small and Large Engine classes, and a few others that I can't remember. When I saw Cosmetology on the list I thought to myself, "Self, you don't know how to do anything with your hair. You don't even know how to do a french braid. Maybe you should try that class out and learn how to do something about these huge eyebrows." My 15 year-old tomboy self thought that sounded like a good idea. Especially since she liked art but couldn't draw for anything. Hair is a kind of art form, right?

But There was a Catch

Because of the limited number of seats for the class you had to write an essay to get in. Ugh. I hated writing. (See? It's always been a thing.) But I decided to go for it anyway. But what to write about? "Well, I guess since I'm also looking to take the photography class too maybe I can do something with both of them... Hmm... Well, those Glamour Shots places are kinda cool. Maybe if I could do people's hair and makeup I could also take the pictures like at one of those places!" So that's what I wrote about. By taking the class I could do people's hair and makeup and take their pictures Glamour Shots style. And Spoiler Alert! It worked! I got in! So for the next two years I got to learn all about hair, skin, and nails for 2 classes worth of my day. It was awesome! I did well in this class. It combined a lot of my favorite class types all into one: a little bit of math, geometry, science, and art. I got straight A's in this class for 2 years. (I only ever did well in classes that I enjoyed) So when graduation time came up you bet your butt that I continued on with it. I got a small scholarship for one of the local cometology schools and the rest is history.

My Realization

Now, at the beginning of this post I talked about a realization that I had recently. Just a few weeks ago I was taking a class (big surprise, eh?) for using Instagram and I was tasked with writing (Again. Ugh.) about how I got into this industry and I realized that I am doing almost exactly what I wrote about in that essay more than 15 years ago! I may not do makeup, but I'm doing hair, making people feel good and beautiful and then capturing that beauty with my camera. Sharing it for the world to see and enjoy. And writing, my old nemesis, isn't quite so bad as it used to be. I hope you've enjoyed taking this trip down memory lane with me and getting to know me a little more. If this reminded you of something you really loved when you were in school or you've ever had this kind of realization I'd love to hear about it! You can share it in the comments here or shoot me an email. I really want to hear all about it!

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