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Jen is sitting on a floor pillow in front of a gong with crystals, candles, bronze Tibetan singing bowls, and crystal singing bowls in front of her. She's smiling and looking forward while holding a Tibetan bell in one hand and playing a crystal singing bowl with a mallet in the other hand. She has bright rainbow colored hair, a colorful chest tattoo, and is wearing a pink shirt with stars and moons on it, a grey skirt, black leggings, and crystal necklaces.

Sound Therapy

Sound Therapy has been known by many names:

  • Sound Baths

  • Sound Healing

  • Sound Meditation

  • Sound Bowl Experience


Sound Therapy is where the power of sound meets the science of well-being. It taps into the belief that certain frequencies can positively impact your body and mind.


At its core, this alternative therapy uses instruments like singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks to create vibrations. These vibrations are used to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall health. Join me in exploring the simple yet profound effects of sound on your holistic well-being.

Book Your Personal Session Today

Marble Surface

Sound Therapy Explained

During a Sound Therapy Experience, I may use many different instruments. You'll get to feel the magic of singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs, drums, and chimes, each generating unique vibrations that resonate with your body's energy.


What these instruments do is harness the power of vibrations to influence the frequency of cells, tissues, and organs, fostering a natural process of healing and balance. By immersing yourself in these calming sounds it can bring deep relaxation, reducing stress, anxiety, and tension for an overall sense of tranquility.


Sound doesn't just travel through the air, it travels through matter -including our bodies- as well. That's why when you're at a concert, you not only hear the music, but you feel it as well.


Sound Therapy aims to restore vibrational harmony by recognizing the interconnectedness of mind and body and addressing physical and emotional imbalances.


You can engage in these sessions in a serene environment, whether lying down or sitting comfortably, allowing the soothing sounds to guide you into a meditative state. Often people that have difficulties meditating are able to reach deeper levels of meditation with the help of Sound Therapy as it helps to soothe the mind.


Individual and Group Sessions: Whether solo or in a group, the shared experience of sound amplifies the sense of community and collective energy.

Group Events

Monthly group sessions build a sense of community and give you space to immerse yourself in new revitalizing sound experiences


Couples Sessions

Have a shared experience to spend time together while making new memories

Encourage more creativity and productivity in your team while helping them work better together as a whole

Contact me to set up your event!

Trans individuals

Embrace yourself with open arms and self-care that goes beyond the physical

Private Individuals

Come as you are and have some focused self-care time to connect with yourself in a deep state of meditation



Feeling stressed, anxious, or can't seem to keep your energy from spilling out of your body? Let sound wash over and through you to help ease inner turmoil.

Jen Works with:

Jen is sitting on a fllor pillow with instruments all around her including: crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, rattles, a large set of chimes, tuning forks, a tongue drum, and buffalo drum, as well as a gong and various mallets for them all. She's wearing a black dress with flamingoes and feather outlines on it with a cropped black sweater, crystal necklaces, and crystal earrings. Her hair is brightly colored like a rainbow and she's softly smiling while she holds one Koshi chime in each hand in front of her.
Marble Surface

When you first arrive: I like to sit down with you and go over a few things: expectations, personal priorities and preferences, as well as any questions you may have.


During the treatment: Your only job is to relax. I may ask you to breathe deeply with me to help facilitate that, or bring you through a short guided meditation to help us connect. But otherwise, you can expect to lay on a massage table or in a zero gravity chair fully clothed, with soft blankets and/or pillows to keep you comfortable. 


After the treatment: I'll have you take your time getting up, give you water, and sit down with you to check in on how you feel, what you experienced, and make sure you're feel fully grounded before you leave.


Sound therapy sessions, often likened to musical massages, involve lying comfortably as the sounds wash over you, promoting energy alignment and emotional release. This therapeutic practice enhances self-awareness, reduces tension, and revitalizes your overall well-being. Discover the harmony within you through the healing frequencies of sound therapy as you embark on a journey towards a more balanced, centered, and vibrant self.

What to Expect

Book Your Personal Session Today

Frequently Asked Questions

A singing bowl massage is an incredibly immersive kind of appointment.


Bronze Tibetan singing bowls are placed on and around your body and gently tapped with a small striker to release deep vibrations into your body and beautiful ringing notes into the air.


Enjoy feeling the vibrations of the sound waves wash over and through you, releasing tension, old thought patterns, and opening new pathways ahead of you.

Book Your Personal Session Today

Upcoming Events


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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