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Ever Had One of "Those" Days?

Writer's picture: Jen the Unicorn StylistJen the Unicorn Stylist

The other day I was trying to sit down to write an email and I was finding any and every excuse not to. It was just one of those procrastinating days.

-You know the kind-

You get lost in your phone for way too long, then finally get up and say you're going to do your work but "Oh no. I gotta do those dishes first." or "This laundry isn't gonna put itself away." and it's always followed with "After this I gotta get back to work!"

So, after I went grocery shopping, scrolled for much too long, had lunch (and then lunch dessert), did the dishes, finally remembered to make myself coffee (now that it's 2:30pm and I have milk in the house again) I sat down with my laptop and got to it.

Just to realize that I just didn't know what to write. 😑

But what I loved was that now at least now I had the dishes done, trash taken out, groceries in the house, and I actually had lunch! Woo whoo!

We all have days where we have something that we're really wanting (or needing) to do and just have a hard time actually following through and that's ok.

Sometimes your mind and/or body just needs a rest or distraction to gather itself together enough to get the thing done.

While it was really tough to get this done for me today, I still ended up getting a whole lot of other things done! (Thanks productive procrastination!) So instead of getting nothing done, I got way more done than I ever thought I would! I also ended up getting into my groove and writing more than I had planned or expected! So much that it turned into this blog post!


If you ever have a hard time with procrastinating, give yourself grace and know that you're not alone. Then find what helps you get into the right headspace for whatever you keep putting off and you'll be amazed at what can happen.

Maybe it's music or having your favorite coffee in your cup. Maybe you just need to do some house chores so the dishes aren't sitting in the sink just mocking you with their dirtiness. Maybe you do better in the afternoon or evening instead of the early morning hours.

Whatever it is, I know once you figure it out you're going to be so productive that you'll wonder why you put things off for so long.

Let me know if you've ever felt this way and what you found works best for you to get back on track. Maybe it will help others too!

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